Planted more this morning - squash pumpkins watermelon tomatoes sage basil rocket lettuce tomatoes basils to go with the radish chives and something else that are already going, the beetroots carrots sunflowers garlic spinach coriander rosemary and parsley already going in the ground out the back, the asparagus and rhubarb that are growing strong, the aloe and other medicinals, the peas going crazy over the side, and the orchard-in-progress out the front.and realised it probably needed a blog post instead!
Gardening is not one of those things that comes easily to me I have to admit. Between a dodgy back, a string of rental properties in the past and other things on my mind, nurturing things and putting down roots has not been high on my list of things that I've done well.
So the fact that there are more than a dozen trees - mostly fruit but also a bay and some privacy trees - out front, and pots going with various plants that I've sprouted myself from cuttings, or free plants from people, or sad plants from the nursery that I've nursed back to health, makes me feel like this is Home. Which is ironic given that if TheHusband's job continues to be awesome, it is really not very sensible for us to live here. But in the meantime, we make compost and wait to see what grows out of it.