Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday I've got Friday on my mind...

Things are going on in my life and I've been of two minds as to whether to post here or not. On one hand, this is a blog. It's public. It's read by who knows whom, and so forth. But on the other hand, I need to have somewhere to write about:
  • school
  • life
  • health
  • fitness
  • ttc
  • wedding, marriage, that kind of thing
  • moving house
  • cooking, crafting and creating
in a respectful-but-totally-me way. Mostly because otherwise I will be labelled as obsessed by friends and family, and mostly by ManFriend (soon to be TheHusband actually, with only 3 weeks to go, but I think I need another name for him on here) as I tend to get obsessed with the details of something, get to be an expert in it, then move on. No harm, no foul - I just like having knowledge!

So I will turn over a new leaf on here and post some Real stuff that is going on in my life. Not just the minutea that I tend to post about here.

So, here are some photos of me! I got a new dress and loves it. I struggled to take a photo of that at the time as I don't have a tripod, but this is the best shot so far:

I have a heap more photos on my camera of recent excitements so will get the off in a minute and upload them... bring on instant transfer, sortage, improvement, upload, tagging and presentation of photos!!

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