Sunday, December 20, 2009

Default shopping

My friend Adele posted this somewhere else and I'm stealing it!

You get to the supermarket, grab a trolley and start walking, only to realise you have no idea what you need. There are two or three things on your list (in my case, the notes function of my phone), but those are all from the last couple of days. Before that, you were too distracted by school/work/Xmas parties to remember to write things down. And your spouse/partner/flatmate has done most of the cooking, so you don't really know what is in the pantry.

It's at times like this I do Default Shopping.

I buy one of each of the things I'm most likely to need - eg pasta sauce, gluten-free and normal pasta, milk, bread, corn kernels, jar of garlic, flavoured tuna. When I get home I compare what I bought to what I needed: sometimes I get it right (eg pasta sauce), sometimes I don't (Ve Hav Vays To Make You Drink Smoothies!).

Anyone else occasionally Default Shop?
I wrote back:
My default would be to grab milk, bread, fruit, pasta, tuna, tinned tomatoes, cream, toilet paper, soda water and kitty food.
which followed on from my post the other day about what's in my pantry. Truth be told I'd rather go shopping with a list or because I need something and rarely turn up to shop just because I am there, but hey I'm sure it happens that I go for one thing and end up with the above list "just in case".

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