Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Smoothie smoothie smoothie smoothie, wo oh oh oh oh oh...

Song lyrics to the some Ruby which I mashed up for that song title can be seen here.

A while ago I bought a cheap version of a Magic Bullet and I love it to pieces - I use it for so many things it was so worth the $30 it cost me at Spotlight. I've used it for:
  • shreddding chocolate
  • whipping cream
  • making smoothies
  • making dips
  • chopping onions
Smoothie advice:
  • Get some flavoured protein powder (vanilla is good as it means you get some sweetness and protein in it but it's not the One Flavour for every smoothie you make) so it fills you up more than just milk or water can;
  • Chop fruit into bite sized pieces and freeze them. Rinse, pat dry and then freeze. You should use it up pretty quickly so don't worry about freezing it flat on something before packing away - it's pretty easy to chip apart! I freeze fruit (bits of strawberry that are sliced off other berries, frozen berries in general, orange, apple, banana) so that I have colds to go in the smoothie. This avoid using ice and increases my fruit content for the day.
  • Experiment with milk - I've used soy as well as rice, cows, goats, UHT etc.
  • Use ice to get an extra cold crunch. I'm going to try freezing coffee as well to see how that goes.
I would like to try some fruit / fruit juice ones too! But I'm not a big sweets person so I'm not in any rush for that.

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